
Legislation to promote agroecology in the Latin American and Caribbean region

FAO published, in collaboration with the support of the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) and within the Scaling up Agroecology Initiative, ''Legislation to promote agroecology in the Latin American and Caribbean region'' which addresses the international and regional legal framework, as well as some good practices from comparative law, in favour of agroecology, and offers guidelines for the generation of laws on the subject.

Latin America and the Caribbean, through political will and commitment, have an invaluable opportunity to lead a campaign that favours the transition to sustainable, healthy and inclusive food and agricultural system.

The continuous growth of society and its productive activities has pushed us to exceed several ecological limits. The consequences of overcoming these frontiers require rethinking strategies to face global challenges. In this sense, it is essential to promote sustainable livelihoods that ensure the current and future well-being of humanity.

Addressing the socioeconomic, climatic, environmental and health challenges of food systems requires transformative change with a multidimensional and holistic approach.

Agroecology offers a holistic and multidimensional approach to bring about a transformation that includes ecological principles (efficiency, diversity, synergies, recycling and natural regulation), as well as principles from the social, economic and political spheres.

The Latin American and Caribbean Parliament (PARLATINO), with its capacity to build Model Laws, and the Parliamentary Front Against Hunger of Latin America and the Caribbean (FPH), with its leadership and legislative experience on the right to adequate food and food and nutrition security, are uniquely positioned to advocate for the creation of legal frameworks on agroecology in the countries of the region.

作者: FAO
组 织: The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO
年份: 2021
国际标准图书编号: 978-92-5-134767-6
地理范围: 拉丁美洲及加勒比
类别: 报告
内容语言: Spanish
