
Farmer managed natural regeneration (FMNR)

Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) is both a technical practice and community development approach used to support local communities to restore their natural environment through the systematic pruning and management of remnant vegetation in agricultural, pastoral and communal land. The practice involves thinning the shoots from tree stumps or wild saplings to rapidly foster their growth into mature trees. Increased tree cover provides numerous benefits such as improved soil fertility, wind breaks, increased firewood and climate change mitigation. Secondary benefits include increased crop yields and animal fodder as a result of improved soil fertility. This practice is often used as part of a community development approach whereby community members set environmental regeneration goals and use FMNR as an early restoration intervention because it is simple and low cost. This then provides a foundation to build additional restoration activities upon.

作者: World Vision Australia
组 织: The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA
年份: 2021
类别: 实 践
内容语言: English
