
Living Landscapes - Embracing Agro-Biodiversity in Northern Laos

In 2009, the Laos government’s Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation entered into a bilateral agreement for the implementation of "The Agro-Biodiversity Initiative (TABI)" in upland Laos. The initiative sought to conserve, enhance, manage, and sustainably utilize the biological diversity found in upland farming landscapes to improve the livelihoods of farming families in the region. This initial agreement grew into a 10-year commitment over three phases and came to an end in 2020. This book tells the story of TABI’s journey from 2009 to 2020 and of agro-biodiversity in the uplands, looking back over these years and ahead to what may come. Through the story, one can learn about how TABI worked with farming communities as they navigated the complexity of the agrarian transition, drawing from their deep knowledge and interaction with nature and ecology.

作者: Andrea Rodericks
年份: 2020
国家: Lao People's Democratic Republic
地理范围: 亚洲及太平洋
类别: 书籍
内容语言: English
