
14 years of training for endogenous facilitators in agroecology in West Africa

Since 2006, Terre & Humanisme and its local partners have been training agroecology facilitators in several West African countries, the Mediterranean region and France. These facilitators in turn support farmers' organisations and farmers committed to  agroecological approach.

Within the framework of the three-year program "Agroecology for Food Sovereignty and Adaptation to Climate Change in West Africa (PASAAO)" supported by French Agency for Development (AFD), Terre&Humanism and its partners have capitalized on their experience to improve their practices. Set in the overall West African context, this capitalization focuses its analytical efforts on the training and the role of indigenous facilitators in agroecology in Burkina Faso. It questions the role of indigenous facilitators in the dissemination process of agroecology in the farming environment and the local dynamics of transition.

发布者: Terre & Humanisme
作者: Terre & Humanisme
组 织: Terre & Humanisme
年份: 2020
地理范围: 非洲
类别: 报告
内容语言: English
