
Indigenous knowledge and the enhancement of community resilience to climate change in the Northern Mountainous Region of Vietnam

Over centuries, ethnic minority communities in the north of Vietnam have developed complex farming systems well-adapted to their environments. Much of this is based on indigenous knowledge concerned with adapting to locally-available resources and more recently enhancing resiliency to climatic risk. This article draws from data gathered with mixed qualitative methods in ten villages in rural Bac Kan Province in the north of the country. It documents specific examples in the production of banana and medicinal plants; maize and red peanut; taro, pachyrhizus, and maize; and green bean as systems that incorporate native crops in ways that provide resistance to drought, improve water-use efficiency, benefit the soil, minimize agrochemical use, preserve culinary traditions, support gender equality, and increase the incomes of farm families living near the poverty line. Overall, this study illustrates unique ways that indigenous knowledge and agroecological farming practices can increase social, economic, and environmental resiliency, mitigate risk, and strengthen livelihoods in marginalized communities. As communities across the Global South seek answers to everincreasing challenges brought by changes in climate, this paper argues that policymakers should revisit, support, and promote the indigenous knowledge already present in these communities to advance more sustainable futures.

Title of publication: Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems
卷号: 45
期号: 4
作者: Ho Ngoc Son , Aaron Kingsbury & Ha Thi Hoa
组 织: Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems
年份: 2021
国家: Viet Nam
地理范围: 亚洲及太平洋
类别: Газетная статья
内容语言: English
