
Agroecological Transition - What can sustainability transition frameworks teach us? An ontological and empirical analysis

In the next section, we analyze some ontological mismatches of the main sustainable transition frameworks and identify debates and gaps in current research. Instead of reinforcing the understanding of sustainability issues, we conclude that a hasty combination of frameworks without critical reflection on their ontologies generates theoretical inconsistencies and the accumulation of each approach’s limitations. We then present how Agroecological transitions are addressed by sustainable transition frameworks by investigating how they have been used in four studies on Agroecological transitions situations. 

Title of publication: Ecology&Society
卷号: 23
期号: 2
作者: Guillaume Ollivier , Danièle Magda, Armelle Mazé , Gael Plumecocq , Claire Lamine
年份: 2018
类别: Газетная статья
内容语言: English
