
Rediscovering Ancient Seeds and Hope

It had been a year since I completed my bachelor’s degree in agriculture, but the dilemma of what to do next still continued. “Should I find a job or get a master’s degree? If I am going for master’s degree, which subject should I choose, what is my field of interest?” As I weighed up my strengths and the things I loved; mathematics, working with computers, data and statistics, teaching courses on Microsoft Office, I thought that maybe Data Science was my field of interest. However, I was equally driven towards the subjects related to environment and sustainability. I was in an extreme dilemma. All my friends were either studying, working or starting their own businesses. I felt soaked by depressing thoughts. I had a bachelors with people expecting me to be fully independent and I was doing nothing! On top of that it was COVID-19 pandemic. With nowhere to go, the internet was my only friend. I started watching documentaries and taking online classes. I began with courses related to data science but after a while my interest started to fade. I had started to watch environmental documentaries and movies and slowly I got drawn into issues related to sustainability and climate change, loss of biodiversity, chemical pollution, food related pandemic, plastic pollution and many more. I could feel a deep yearning growing inside. I should save the coral reefs, I should stop plastics from entering the ocean, I should stop chemicals being used in agriculture, I should stop industrial agriculture, I should talk about green washing, I should save bees and other pollinators, I should save biodiversity and I should make people aware about the junk food.... Every time I knew about some new issues about sustainability, I also wanted to do something for those issues.

Title of publication: Stories of change: Connecting traditional knowledge and innovations for fair and sustainable food systems
发布者: FAO
作者: Kushal Poudel
组 织: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO
其他组织: Barefoot Guide Connection
年份: 2023
国家: Nepal
地理范围: 亚洲及太平洋
类别: 报告部分
内容语言: English
