

Annual Report

In October 2017, the Agency for Accelerated Regional Development (AFARD) signed a 2-year (2017 - 2019)grant funding agreement with Manos Unidas for the implementation of Jangokoro Food Security Project in Jangokoro Sub-County, Zombo district, West Nile region, Uganda under the contract number UGA/68355/LVIII D (62).The overall goal is, “to contribute to inclusive and sustainable poverty reduction in Nebbi Catholic Diocese” and its specific objective is “to improve self-reliance and livelihood security of smallholder farmer households in Jangokoro sub county in a gender sensitive manner.” The project seeks to increase agricultural productivity by 85%; reduction in preventable sicknesses by 75%; and ensure that project beneficiaries are active citizenship able to hold their leaders accountable. Targeting 230 households, the project will increase income, access to safe water sources, literacy levels, and advocacy skilling.

发布者: Agency For Accelerated Regional Development
作者: Dr. Alfred Lakwo
组 织: Agency For Accelerated Regional Development
年份: 2016
地理范围: 非洲
类别: 报告
内容语言: English
