
CAP’s Green Architecture components

An important focus of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) for its 2023-2027 period relates to environmental sustainability – as an integral part of the European Green Deal. The new environmental support possibilities are included in both Pillars of the CAP and this comprehensive strategic approach, together with a modernised mix of policy tools is collectively known as the CAP’s Green Architecture. Green Architecture describes the CAP components that can be harmonised to provide a coordinated policy toolkit at EU and national levels supporting environmental and climate benefits for the EU. Policy priorities being supported by this Green Architecture address escalating risks such as: climate change and degradation of soil, water, and air quality. It also addresses loss of pollinators, habitat damage, pollution, invasive species, overexploitation, and other biodiversity challenges. Waste management, resource efficiency, deforestation, antimicrobial resistance and animal welfare are also within the scope of CAP’s Green Architecture. A fundamental feature of the Green Architecture policy framework is its blending of simplified voluntary and mandatory policy tools delivering annual and multi-annual funding options. Compulsory standards concerning good environmental practices (conditionality system) control CAP payment conditions from Pillar 1, while Pillar 2 provides further incentives for sustainable development of the EU’s agri-food sector and overall rural economy. From 2023, these policy tools are coordinated and implemented through the Member States’ national CAP strategic plans (CSPs).

发布者: EU CAP Network
作者: EU CAP Network
组 织: EU CAP Network
年份: 2022
国家: European Union
地理范围: 欧洲及中亚
类别: 政策简报/文件
内容语言: English
