
Support from LEADER expanding across Sweden

Expanding the benefits of LEADER is a key goal for Sweden in the context of the new CAP. More rural areas are now included in LAG territories and the country’s new LAGs are already operational.

Each edition of the LEADER newsletter will feature a “what’s happening with LEADER in …” story. This first edition is dedicated to the EU Member State that is currently holding the Presidency of the European Union, Sweden. We would like to thank the Swedish CAP Network for its help with preparing this article.

LEADER is well established in Sweden and many lessons have been learned during its 30+ years of achievements. Reflections during Sweden’s preparations for the new 2023-2027 Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) concluded that the national arrangement of Local Action Group (LAG) territories could be further optimised. This led to the 48 (Managing Authority approved) LAGs of the past being reduced to a more simplified critical mass of 40 LAGs, which together offer LEADER support to more of rural Sweden’s territory and population than in the 2014-2022 programming period. LAG support will now cover 74% of the rural population, as compared to 57% in the last period.

Support from LEADER expanding ’s support spreads wider in across Sweden

Title of publication: EU CAP Network LEADER Newsletter March 2023
期号: 1
作者: EU CAP Network
年份: 2023
国家: European Union
地理范围: 欧洲联盟
类别: 通讯文章
内容语言: English
