
Caring for soil is caring for life

Soil is a key resource because the services provided by its ecosystem are essential to ensure life on Earth. However, 60-70% of all European soils are unhealthy because of current management practices, pollution, urbanisation and the effects of climate change. In fact there are 2.8 million potentially contaminated sites in Europe that can pose serious health risks; 65-75% of agricultural land is at risk of soil and water eutrophication with major impacts on biodiversity; agricultural soils are losing carbon at a rate of 0.5% per year; 24% have unsustainable water erosion rates; 25% of land in southern, central and eastern Europe is at high or very high risk of desertification; the current rate of soil reuse is stuck at 13%. The costs associated with soil degradation in the EU are estimated to exceed €50 billion per year1 . For all these reasons the European Union has identified the health of this precious non-renewable resource as one of the 5 Missions the Commission has launched to steer science and innovation towards the challenges facing society. It has become a central element of the Green Deal and related strategies and policies to support Europe's growth. In particular, soil is at the heart of a specific European environmental target of zero net soil consumption by 20502 . Also, protecting the soil helps to meet further challenging targets such as the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere by 55% by 2030 and achieving climate neutrality by 2050. In this context, although we are aware of the many unprecedented critical situations facing our country, including those due to the overexploitation of ecosystems, as the ReSoil Foundation we would like to express our concern about the fact that no law has yet been passed to preserve soil and counteract its consumption, which causes our country to lose about 2 square metres of soil per second3 . In this respect soils used for agriculture are the most affected, some three times more than soils in urban areas, with more intense effects in the countryside, where almost 2,700 hectares were concreted over in 2019

作者: Re Soil Foundation
组 织: RE Soil Foundation
年份: 2022
类别: 情况说明
内容语言: English
