
Policy brief on animal welfare

Animal welfare is an integral part of the European Union’s Farm to Fork (F2F) strategy, which aims to accelerate the transition to sustainable food systems in Europe through an integrated food policy that covers the whole food system. A clear example of the growing public concern around this topic is the European Citizens’ Initiative End the Cage Age. Calling for an end to the use of cages, it was signed by more than 1.5 million citizens and supported by around 170 organisations, including Slow Food. The European Commission has shown commitment to improving farmed animals’ welfare by announcing an evaluation and revision of existing legislation, including animal transport and slaughter, and considering options for animal welfare labelling, currently voluntary and largely unregulated. Likewise, the upcoming Sustainable Food Systems Framework Law could represent an opportunity for the European Commission to explicitly recognize that the health and well-being of animals, people, plants and the environment are deeply interconnected. This document aims to provide information about the most recent political developments around animal welfare in the European Union, outlining future options and setting out Slow Food’s political demands. It is also intended to serve as a guiding document for discussions that may arise in the future.

发布者: Slow Food
作者: Rubén Franco Pescador, Ottavia Pieretto, Cristina Agrillo (Slow Food)
组 织: Slow Food
年份: 2023
类别: 政策简报/文件
内容语言: English
