
The combined impact of shallow groundwater and soil salinity on evapotranspiration using remote sensing in an agricultural alluvial setting

Waterlogging and shallow groundwater (GW) have caused many environmental problems in many places worldwide due to poor irrigation and nonfunctional drainage systems, particularly with flood irrigation (Ochoa et al., 2007Zhang et al., 2021). The groundwater depth (GWD) is often considered an essential factor in controlling ET rates (Devitt et al., 2002). Consequently, higher ET rates commonly occur with the shallowest GW and vice versa (Nichols, 1994). The relationship between ET and GWD, in general, is not straightforward, whereas a range of responses including a strong effect (Lafleur and Roulet, 1992), a moderate effect (Lafleur et al., 2005), or no significant effect of GWD has been observed (Wu et al., 2010), especially in peat-lands (Moore et al., 2013). This relationship is primarily influenced by several key factors, including soil hydraulic properties and soil matric potential at the root zone's long boundary. Furthermore, clay soils are vulnerable to drying and wetting cycles, which can cause cracks in the soil profile and macropore flow paths that rapidly deliver water, nutrients, and pollutants to the water table (Kurtzman and Scanlon, 2011). Although recent studies have explored the integration between remote sensing (RS) and surface and groundwater consumption in humid areas (Peña-arancibia et al., 2016), analysis of arid regions has not been performed yet. In addition to GWD, linear relationships were found between soil salinity and ET (Cemek et al., 2011). For instance, (Ünlükara et al., 2008) observed a decrease in ET of an okra due to soil salinity with a threshold value of 3.48 dS m−1. In contrast, the formation of soil salt crusts results in reduced soil evaporation under constant meteorological conditions (Zhang et al., 2013), possibly due to the increase of soil albedo (Fujimaki et al., 2006). Elhaddad et al. (2007) found that ET values correlated well with soil salinity when they used GIS and RS techniques. Nonetheless, the integration of ET, GWD, and soil salinity using RS in arid regions needs more attention.

Title of publication: Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies
卷号: 47
作者: Hesham M. Aboelsoud, Ayman Habib, Bernard Engel, Ahmed A. Hashem, Waleed Abou El-Hassan, Ajit Govind, Abdelrazek Elnashar, Mona Eid, Ahmed M.S. Kheir
组 织: Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies
年份: 2023
国家: Egypt
地理范围: 近东及北非
类别: 文章
内容语言: English
