
Boost NBSAPs through Agroecology: A crucial approach to comprehensively meet KMGBF targets

Agroecology enables countries to achieve their KMGBF commitments holistically Agroecology as a systems approach is well placed to address the complex challenges food production systems pose for biodiversity at multiple scales [1,2]. Thus, it offers a comprehensive approach for countries to fulfill their commitments under the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF). It is a versatile system that can effectively address the intricate issues posed by food production systems on biodiversity at various levels. By embracing agroecology on a large scale, e.g., through its integration within National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs), countries can simultaneously fulfill targets related to the reduction of threats to biodiversity, and for meeting people’s needs with sustainable use and benefit-sharing [3].

Reinforcing transformative action: KMGBF and agroecology can work in Tandem The KMGBF and agroecology also share foundational principles as both frameworks underscore the importance of participation, governance, fairness, transparency, etc. Targets within the KMGBF, for instance, Target 13 (Fair and equitable sharing of benefits from genetic resources) or Target 18 (Reduce harmful incentives), resonate with agroecology’s call for more sustainable and equitable food systems. [2]. Together, they offer and reinforce harmonized tools and solutions for a sustainable future

组 织: Biovision
其他组织: Global Alliance for the Future of Food, WWF International, the Agroecology Coalition
年份: 2023
类别: 情况说明
内容语言: English
