
Food Consumption in Kiribati


The analysis of the food data collected in the 2019/20 Kiribati Household Income and Expenditure Survey (KHIES) found that on average one I-Kiribati in 12 does not have access to the amount of dietary energy needed to maintain a normal, active and healthy life. This prevalence is further confirmed by the analysis of the food insecurity experience scale data collected in the KHIES, which found that one I-Kiribati in 12 spent a whole day without eating in the last 12 months. The data further reveals that one I-Kiribati in three had to compromise on the quality of the food they could access because of a lack of money or other resources. The 2018/19 Kiribati Social Development Indicator Survey (KSDIS) found that 15 percent of children younger than the age of five years are stunted, and one child in 16 dies before reaching the age of five, which ranks Kiribati as the Pacific Island nation with the lowest child survival rate. But undernourishment, and child malnutrition or mortality are not the only burdens in Kiribati; the number of deaths or amputations linked to non-communicable diseases (NCDs) has risen as a consequence of, among other factors, the increasing concentration of obese adults in the population. Based on World Health Organization (WHO) estimates, 46 percent of the population aged 18 years and older is obese.

发布者: FAO
作者: Nathalie Troubat
其他作家: Michael K. Sharp
组 织: FAO
其他组织: The Pacific Community
年份: 2021
国际标准图书编号: 978-92-5-135007-2
国家: Kiribati
地理范围: 亚洲及太平洋
类别: 报告
内容语言: English
