
A quantitative approach to the socio-economic valuation of pollinator-friendly practices: A protocol for its use

This handbook presents a guidance and protocol for determining the socio-economic value of pollinator-friendly versus -unfriendly practices that can be implemented at different spatial levels (for example, farms or landscapes). Values are generally quantified by contrasts. This protocol shows contrast between pollinator-friendly vs. unfriendly practices. By focusing on practices, this protocol is directly relevant for decision making. Value is expressed in monetary and non-monetary terms, and bo th are integrated in this approach, which is applicable at the farm but also the landscape level.

发布者: FAO
版次: 1
作者: Lucas A. Garibaldi
其他作家: Mariana Dondo, Juliana Hipólito, Nadine Azzu, Blandina Felipe Viana, Muo Kasina
组 织: FAO
其他组织: GEF, UNEP
年份: 2016
国际标准图书编号: 978-92-5-109149-4
国家: Brazil, Kenya
类别: 书籍
内容语言: English
