A cog in the capitalist wheel: co-opting agroecology in South India
The Andhra Pradesh Zero Budget Natural Farming project was implemented by India’s State of Andhra Pradesh in 2016 and renamed AP Community Managed Natural Farming (APCNF) in 2020. APCNF is recognised as a sucessful example of peasant-led agroecology by social movements, multilateral UN bodies, governments, and researchers. We offer more critical perspectives here, and argue that this agroecology model deepens inequality and dispossession. Despite claims to the contrary, APCNF is locked in an unchanged productivist paradigm controlled by capital in collaboration with the state. By co-opting agroecology, APCNF closes down options for a just transformation of the dominant agri-food regime.
Title of publication: The Journal of Peasant Studies
页数: 1-23
作者: Sagari R. Ramdas
其他作家: Michel P. Pimbert
组 织: Kudali Learning Center, India
其他组织: Conventry University, UK
年份: 2024
国家: India
地理范围: 亚洲及太平洋
类别: Газетная статья
内容语言: English