
Agroforestry for climate-resilient landscapes

Training manual

This training manual provides basic guidance for trainers to design and deliver training that will help individuals or organizations increase their knowledge, skills and experience in agroforestry development. In addition, the exercises contained in this manual are designed to help participants foster the understanding and basic skills necessary to support farmers in developing effective and efficient agroforestry practices.

This training manual delivers in two main ways:

■ Providing basic materials to help people learn about agroforestry design and practice for climate resilient landscapes.

■ Equipping participants in the training courses with the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes with regard to agroforestry development, particularly within the context of community forestry, forest landscape restoration and climate change adaptation.

The manual covers key aspects of agroforestry development,theoretical and practical, as well as explaining tools for planning, designing, establishing and evaluating agroforestry interventions towards landscape resilience. It is an important tool for effectively promoting agroforestry in ASEAN Member States, ensuring benefits for communities while also supporting national objectives.

其他组织: World Agroforestry (ICRAF), ASEAN Working Group on Social Forestry (AWG-SF)
年份: 2020
国际标准图书编号: 978-616-8089-23-1
地理范围: 亚洲及太平洋
类别: 手册
内容语言: English
