
Diagnosis of rice farming systems and opportunities for agroecological transition in Cambodia

The WAT4CAM project was initiated in Cambodia in 2018 to develop irrigation networks for rice crops in Cambodia. The majority of the paddy areas are now highly dependent on rainfall, and climatic hazards and irrigation development would improve rice systems' productivity and profitability. This project concerns five provinces in Cambodia, including Rovieng district, Preah Vihear province. This study takes part in this project and aims to understand better the agrarian systems and family farming in the Rovieng district. The objective is to understand which agricultural systems are in place today, which socio-economic issues farmers encounter and which trajectories have led them to their current situation. This qualitative and quantitative study was conducted using different approaches based on semi-structured interviews with district authorities, three focus groups discussion, and 130 structured interviews with households in the commune of Rik Reay. The study also includes a typology work and an agro-ecological performance assessment based on FAO's methodology. The analysis highlighted subsistence agriculture mainly centered on rice, with a significant diversity of other crops and livestock activity. Most households set up non-agricultural activities to get a sufficient livelihood, both locally and through migration. Several strategies are used by farmers, depending on their labor force, land, and material capital. The use of pesticides and selected varieties are currently low in the region, and an efficient organic value chain is already implemented in the district. Thus, this area seems to present a good potential for developing agroecological practices in parallel with irrigation development.

发布者: Agronomy
作者: Titouan Filloux
组 织: Institut Agro - Montpellier SupAgro
其他组织: CIRAD
年份: 2020
国家: Cambodia
地理范围: 亚洲及太平洋
类别: 个案研究
内容语言: English
