
Migration and Youth in Rural Areas

Migration is an intrinsic part of rural development. Yet, there are major knowledge gaps regarding its drivers, dynamics and effects on rural areas. This e-learning course allows to understand the linkages between migration and rural development with a particular focus on youth. It also provides policy recommendations on how to maximize the positive impacts of rural migration and minimize the negative ones.


The target audience for this course includes:

  • UN Country Teams and FAO staff
  • Planners, policy formulators and advisors on migration, agriculture and rural development
  • Managers and technical staff in the ministries responsible for agriculture, rural development, migration, employment and others
  • General public

You will learn about:

  • Key facts and concepts of migration and its linkages with rural development
  • Drivers and characteristics of rural migration
  • Impacts of migration on rural areas
  • How to maximize the positive impacts and minimize the negative ones
  • Why FAO is working on migration issues and how migration could be mainstreamed into rural development policies and programmes
组 织: FAO
其他组织: Sida
年份: 2018
类别: 电子学习
内容语言: English
