
Medicinal plants to limit parasitism and pathogenic bacteria in pigs

The use of antibiotics and synthetic anti-parasitic drugs can induce resistance in bacteria and parasites threatening health and welfare of pigs in low-input and organic outdoor production systems. Subsequent consequences for production and reproduction have economic impact and jeopardize the farm sustainability.

Use medicinal plants instead of antibiotics or allopathicanti-parasitic medicines, improve health and welfare by controlling parasitic diseases and harmful bacterial load while enhancing the individuals’ immunity. Provide to pigs with a well-balanced, weight and age category tailored feed supplement formulated with selected, locally available medicinal plant powders.

作者: Prof. Dr. Vasile Cozma
其他作家: Prof. Dr. Marina Spinu, Dr. Baies Horea
组 织: INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment
其他组织: https://ppilow.eu/
年份: 2024
类别: 实 践
内容语言: English
