
Changes for group certification with the new EU Organic Regulation 2018/848

Learn about the main changes for smallholder producer groups under the new EU Organic Regulation


This infosheet introduces the main changes for smallholder producer groups under the new EU Organic Regulation 2018/848 and Reg (EU) 2021/279.


Different examples illustrate the new requirements and possible changes to ICS structure and management.


The tool includes information about: 1) Farmer groups with legal personality; 2) Maximum of 2,000 members per group; 3) Criteria for membership; 4) Minimum percentages for re-inspections and sampling; 5) Documentation; and 6) From equivalence to compliance.
发布者: Organic Farm Knowledge
组 织: Organic Farm Knowledge
年份: 2024
地理范围: 欧洲联盟
类别: 政策简报/文件
内容语言: English, Spanish
