
Building a new vision for the pineapple value chain in Suriname

Suriname, a country on the northeastern Atlantic coast of South America, is considered the birthplace of pineapples. Pineapples are cultivated primarily by the indigenous population living in the Savannah Belt. Although the area of pineapple production in Suriname is small, the genetic diversity is extraordinary, and the potential for growth significant. Since 2018, in collaboration with relevant ministries, FAO, UNIDO, ILO and UNFPA have engaged with Surinamese farmers and other value chain actors to analyze the pineapple value chain and facilitate the development of a joint 2030 vision for the sector. In 2022, the Agri-food Systems Transformation Accelerator program in Suriname was awarded funding by the UN SDG Fund, and is now moving towards its implementation phase.

This video has been part of the applicants to the Contest 2024: Innovations for and by family farmers contest by FAO.

组 织: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
年份: 2024
国家: Suriname
地理范围: 加勒比共同体 (CARICOM), 非洲、加勒比和太平洋国家加勒比论坛 (CARIFORUM), 拉丁美洲及加勒比
类别: 视频
内容语言: English
