
Agriculture of the Future in Antonesti - Moldova

Alexandru Malancea started working in agriculture in 1996, at the beginning helped by his parents. He became a land owner later, when he received a land parcel. He felt a call and vocation for agriculture and decided to extend his land, by acquiring a new plot, where the village farm had been previously located. The investment proved to be a long term one, as all plots seemed to get up steam after the entrepreneur started working them. Now the „Alexandru Malancea” household comprises 14 ha of agricultural land, where the entrepreneur grows cereals and a 12 ha plot, where he grows potatoes and other vegetables . Since he had not been trained in agriculture, he had to learn many things on the spot. From experts, from parents and from books: „I have been a farmer since 1996. My family and I grow potatoes, vegetables and cereals – wheat, barley, peas. I also have a 2 ha nut garden. The total area of land we works exceeds 20 ha”. When he started his business, one thing was discouraging him - the weather, because his business depended on it, says the entrepreneur. Although he had access to water sources for irrigation, to pump it was very expensive to pump it because of lack of electricity. Respectively, the final cost of production was higher. Alexandru Malancea was looking for a modern and practical solution to irrigate his plantation: „I used to deal with technical equipment since I was a child. I even worked as a turner for a period of time. I made some inquiries about solar energy and made by myself some equipment producing wind energy. That was an impulse to my business idea”. He decided to make the second step and sought the advice of ACSA consultants, provided under the RISP project. He discussed his innovative idea with them – and namely – the possibility to produce cheap renewable energy by using the power of wind and sun. „I have learned that the project encourages such directions as using wind and solar energy for reducing the impact of draught. I came with this idea and it was accepted”.

Title of publication: Success Stories
页数: 2-3
年份: 2012
国家: Republic of Moldova
类别: 杂志文章
内容语言: English
