
Orienting small farms towards the market system with the help of non-repayable financing

Vasile Peica was stimulated to implement this project by several factors among which the growth of the local food products’ consumption, to the disadvantage of the imported products, the local and national demand for sheep products, both milk products (sweet cheese, cheese, cottage cheese) and livestock meat products (lambs and sheep). For the beneficiary this meant valuing an entire series of economic and social necessities and opportunities with favourable effects on the development of local economy and on the growth of the incomes to the local budget. The general objective of the project consisted of improving and raising competitiveness of the agricultural sector and supporting the modernization process according to the environment related requirements and according to the requirements upon the hygiene and welfare of animals. The specific objectives targeted the modernization of the agricultural holding and growing its size and incomes until the third implementation year.

Title of publication: Good Practices
期号: 17
国际标准刊号: 2286-1742
页数: 16-18
年份: 2015
国家: Romania
类别: 杂志文章
内容语言: English
