
Mission Report for Sub-Regional Office for the Pacific Islands

The mission to Palau and Guam, carried out under the project TCP/PAL/3301, was part of the initiative of FAO to establish a subregional aquaculture network in Micronesia. It was the latest activity in a process that drew impetus from a meeting called “Building on Progress: An Evening on Pacific Aquaculture” on 23 September 2010. The mission reported to the government and other major stakeholders in Palau and Guam the status of the initiative to establish the Network, assessed the views of Palau and Guam aquaculture sector stakeholders on the establishment of the Network and their participation in its operation, consulted with the Palau government and the other stakeholders on the proposal for Palau to host the coordinating unit or secretariat of the Network, and consulted with the aquaculture stakeholders in Guam on the proposal for Guam to host the inception workshop of a regional technical cooperation programme or TCP project envisioned to provide the initial support to the establishment and development of the Network. The mission found keen interest in the establishment of the Network, broad support in Palau to hosting the secretariat, and in Guam to hosting the inception workshop. The mission also visited various aquaculture projects, facilities, farms and sites in Palau and Guam that, collectively, would constitute a valuable regional resource that can be shared as well as further strengthened and developed through technical cooperation under the Network. Taken together, the results of this mission and those of the previous activities give a strong justification to proceed with the development of the regional TCP that will support the establishment of the Network.

项目编码: TCP/PAL/3301
作者: Pedro B. Bueno
其他作家: Masanami Izumi
组 织: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
年份: 2012
国家: Guam, Palau
地理范围: 亚洲及太平洋
类别: 项目
内容语言: English
