
Agricultural farm – from subsistence to progress

Dumbrava Roșie commune lies in the central part of Neamţ County, on the left shore of Bistriţa river, south-east of Piatra-Neamţ town. It is crossed by DN15 national road which links Piatra Neamț to Bacău. The settlement has all the characteristics of the north-eastern part of Romania, namely the majority of the population lives in rural areas, the main economic activity is agriculture, a subsistence-type of agriculture as the properties are extremely divided and there are no modernised means of exploitation. In these circumstances, Rareș Grădinaru’s investment came as a necessity, as there was the need of capitalising on and developing the agricultural potential in the region. The specific agricultural activity he invested in was poultry farming.

Title of publication: Good practices
期号: 20
国际标准刊号: 2286-1742
页数: 14-16
年份: 2015
国家: Romania
类别: 杂志文章
内容语言: English
