
Social trajectories of first generation’s rural subjects accessing to university education in the Maule Region, Chile

This paper aims to illustrate the social history of first generation’s rural youth accessing to the university in the Maule region, Chile. In a society wherein education has become the most important positions allocation mechanism, there is a need for a reflection on the conditions of production and distribution of knowledge/power in an economically vibrant and socially exclusionary social order.

It is possible to evidence that rural areas in the Maule region have both a diverse distribution of goods and assets and an uneven location of markets and institutions. Additionally, the milieu affects the individual portfolio opportunities by either restricting or granting the access to quality services. Higher education acts as a conversion strategy for a young low-income people, because it allows social mobility and breaking off the collective inertia. Simultaneously, higher education also represents a reproduction’s mechanism. Although young people obtain a higher quality of life by graduating from a university, such graduations does not necessarily imply a better social status.

Title of publication: Sociedad Hoy
卷号: 24
期号: Primer semestre 2013
国际标准刊号: 0717-3512
页数: 55-68
作者: Claudia Concha
组 织: Universidad de Concepción, Chile
年份: 2013
国家: Chile
地理范围: 拉丁美洲及加勒比
类别: Газетная статья
内容语言: Spanish
