
The future of the Romanian village depends on the young people

At only 23 km from Braşov, on the National Road 13, there is Rotbav, a village from Feldioara Municipality, Braşov County. The establishment is proud of its magnificent historical past along which it borne numerous names. The legend says that in the first half of the 13th century, about 20 families of colonized Saxons from Burzenland established at approximately 1.5 km towards West from the current location. As a result of the frequent invasions, in 1250, the colonists were constrained to move towards East, on the road between Măieruș and Feldioara. The legend also says that after a devastating Turkish invasion, while the villagers were washing their clothes in the river, the water turned red, from here the name Roşia (Red) of the locality.

Title of publication: Rural Romania
期号: 36
国际标准刊号: 2393-123x
页数: 26-28
组 织: Romanian Rural Development Network
年份: 2015
国家: Romania
类别: 杂志文章
内容语言: English
