
Food sovereignty and rural development: beyond food security

Food sovereignty and food security are not the same issue. Both are different but many people around the world confuse the two. This article explores and analyzes the issues surrounding food security and food sovereignty in order to explain the differences between them, identifies the principal statements in food sovereignty and compares some data from different countries in an attempt to highlight the fact that food security policies result in hunger, poverty and environmental damage. Food security and rural development share similar goals, both seek to improve the quality of life of peasants and rural inhabitants; however, economic ideas are unfortunately still prized more than people.

Title of publication: Agronomía Colombiana
卷号: 31
期号: 3
国际标准刊号: 2357-3732
页数: 362-377
作者: Fabio Alberto Pachón-Ariza
组 织: Universidad Nacional de Colombia
年份: 2013
地理范围: 拉丁美洲及加勒比
类别: Газетная статья
内容语言: English
