Economic Background and Development Opportunities of Individual Subsidiary Holdings in the Ukraine: Some Empirical Evidence
During transition, many Ukrainian agricultural enterprises found themselves in a deep economic crisis. Generally, the privatisation and restructuring of the enterprises was merely formal. Agriculture mainly suffers from an adverse overall economic situation, liquidity problems, and poor infrastructure. In the 1990s the accumulated decline of agricultural output was 51%. In 2000, total agricultural output was recovering, as it increased by 9%, whereas the decline of livestock production continued . Over 43% of the agricultural largescale enterprises were still not profitable in 2000.
Title of publication: Subsistence Agriculture in Central and Eastern Europe: How to Break the Vicious Circle?
卷号: 22
国际标准刊号: 1436-221X
页数: 179-188
组 织: Institute of Agricultural Development in Central and Eastern Europe
年份: 2003
国家: Ukraine
地理范围: 欧洲及中亚
类别: Газетная статья
内容语言: English