Sustainable development of food production systems through the promotion of agroecological practices.
The work aims to develop sustainable systems of food production by promoting agroecological practices. This experience was developed in rural communities of the People's Council Zaragoza, municipality of San José de las Lajas, Mayabeque. Action-participation, based on philosophy of popular education and university extension - the investigation was used as a basic method. A participatory rural appraisal which results throw as little generalization of agroecological practices, deterioration of natural resources, low participation and motivation of local actors in the development process, among others was conducted. Participatory workshops for training needs assessment was developed from the needs and aspirations of local stakeholders in sustainable agriculture. These issues are taken into account in planning extension activities aimed at exchanging experience. Visits were made to production scenarios where different methods and techniques of production was reported by folding and brochures. Agroecological culture was promoted in different spaces through specialized conferences, educational lectures and -debates videos. Participating farmers, housewives, students and teachers of the joint center (primarysecondary) of the popular advice, to optimize production and improve the quality of life of the town. Experience promoting agro-ecological practices in order to understand more deeply these experiences so we can improve, exchange and share learning with other similar experiences is systematized. Measure performance and allow new teachings that serve as a source for future extension activities.