


The structure of farms is multi-dimensional, comprising amongst others the absolute number of farms in a country or region, the total size of its agricultural area and labour force, as well as the distribution of farms according to their physical and economic size. Striking differences can be observed among Member States for all of these parameters. Some Member States have a large number of farms but a low share of UAA, leading to a small average farm size in physical terms. The opposite – a small number of relatively large farms – can be found in other Member States. In some cases, both extremes exist side by side in a bipolar structure, where a few large farms use the greater part of the land and the rest is divided among many small holdings. In 2013 the EU Member States with the greatest number of farms and labour input were Romania (33% of all farms, 16% of total labour input), Poland (12% of farms, 20% of labour input) and Italy (9% of farms, 8% of labour input). In terms of UAA, the most important EU Member States are France (16% of total UAA), Spain (13%) and the UK (10%).

Title of publication: CAP CONTEXT INDICATORS 2014-2020
页数: 74-82
章/节: 17
组 织: European Commission - DG Agriculture and Rural Development
年份: 2016
地理范围: 欧洲联盟
类别: 报告部分
内容语言: English
