
Second Training of Trainers – Strengthening Forest Tenure for Sustaining Livelihood and Generating Income

Strong and secure forest tenure for forest dependent communities is a necessary condition for improved income and sustainable livelihoods. However, in many Asian countries community tenure is generally weak and contested. This commonly results in conflict. Strengthening the forest tenure systems is necessary if forest dependent communities are to benefit from forests and forestry activities. This entails a progressive change in forest policies and institutions involved. Any change brought to policies or institutions has to be built on a solid understanding of the current situation and on a set of objectives. While strengthening forest tenure is a critical and urgent first step, secure tenure alone is not enough to guarantee an improvement in the livelihoods and income of forest dependent people. A second pillar is needed, namely strong and capable institutions at all levels that steer and support a genuine process aimed at strengthening forest tenure.

The overall objective of the training of facilitators is to enable key stakeholders, including facilitators, policy- and decision makers and trainers, to steer and support conflict sensitive processes aimed at strengthening forest tenure that contribute to improved livelihoods and income of forest dependent people.

 25/04/2016 - 29/04/2016
地点: Kathmandu, Nepal
作者: Toon De Bruyn
其他作家: Yurdi Yasmi
组 织: FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific Bangkok, Thailand
年份: 2016
地理范围: 亚洲及太平洋
类别: 活动
内容语言: English
