
Challenges and Opportunities for forest user organizations in forest resource management and sustainable forest based livelihoods

Mr. Reymondo Caraan (RECOFTC) gave an overview on how to get more rights awarded to forest communities, where we are now in terms of implementing community forestry, what RECOFTC is doing, and stressed that governments should be made aware that people have rights.  RECOFTC has main office in Bangkok, and country offices in China and Japan, among others; his report was mostly focused on Southeast Asia where RECOFTC is operating.

Title of publication: Strengthening engagement of Asian small scale women and men forests and farm producers in global and regional processes
作者: Forest and Farm Facility of the UN-FAO
组 织: Forest and Farm Facility of the UN-FAO
年份: 2015
地理范围: 亚洲及太平洋
类别: 博文
内容语言: English
