
Perspectives of Agricultural Cooperatives in Romania

Due to concentration or development strategies, in recent years, worldwide, farmers are faced with a fundamental strategic decisions, namely to choose how to act better, in conditions of uncertainty, to make farms viable, profitable, resistance to competition, with markets and efficiency in accessing financial funds. Alternatively, farmers realize different forms of association, from which highlights cooperatives, producer groups and producer associations. In extension of Romanian agricultural cooperative should be considered the experience of countries economically developed, where an expansion was and diversification of agricultural cooperatives forms. In these countries agricultural cooperative was one of the main levers for concentration of agricultural production, of the transition from agrarian structure characterized by small farms and less specialized, to intensive ones, of large economic dimensions.

作者: Ana-Mariana Dincu
其他作家: Ana-Mariana Dincu, I. Brad, Ramona Ciolac, R. Gherman, A. Gavruta, Carmen Dumitrescu
年份: 2014
国家: Romania
地理范围: 欧洲联盟
类别: 文章
内容语言: English
