
Workshop on interactive radio for family farming and food security in Asia-Pacific

FAO reported in 2015 that 490 million people are still suffering chronic hunger in Asia and the Pacific region, which is also home to almost 62 percent of the world’s undernourished. “The challenge facing the region is not only to produce more food from the increasingly limited natural resource base but also how to ensure more equitable access to food, while addressing various threats such as climate change.”

It is in this context that community radios have shown their effectiveness in supporting farmers’ organizations and development institutions to promote food security and food sovereignty. The flexibility and ability of community radios to reach the most isolated and poorest farming communities, who are often the most affected by food insecurity issues, make them a suitable tool to share best practices, disseminate scientific and indigenous knowledge, and promote multi-stakeholder dialogue.

 19/09/2016 - 21/09/2016
地点: Bangkok, Thailand
组 织: The World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters (AMARC)
其他组织: Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO)
年份: 2016
国家: Thailand
地理范围: 亚洲及太平洋
类别: 活动
内容语言: English
