
FAO launches the first electronic voucher scheme in Mozambique

FAO enables market access to agricultural inputs for smallholder farmers in Mozambique.

Agriculture is Mozambique’s primary economic activity and around 3.2 million smallholder farmers account for 95% of this sector's production. The percentage of smallholder farmers with access to credit facilities in Mozambique has steadily decreased over the past 10 years, while inefficiencies in production and distribution have weakened the competitiveness of domestic products. Funded by the European Commission and the Government of Mozambique, FAO launched an electronic voucher scheme at the start of the agricultural season 2015/2016 to enable market access to agricultural inputs and to improve distribution of quality agricultural products through the involvement of agro-dealers. The programme supports two groups of beneficiaries: small emerging farmers and subsistence farmers with special attention being given to rural women and women heads of families.

年份: 2016
国家: Mozambique
地理范围: 非洲
类别: 博文
内容语言: English
