
Course: MOOC: Climate change in Latin America

A unique course on the Impacts of Climate Change and its Impacts in Latin America taught by 21 Latin American scientists to empower resource managers, decision makers, stakeholders, scientists to cope with climate and global changes. The course aims to provide users with a good understanding of current climate change science as well as analytical abilities in the following areas: impact of climate change on biodiversity and ecosystem services, impact of environmental global changes, international mechanisms to cope with impacts on biodiversity and the economics of climate change. 

This MOOC provides background information, frameworks and real case studies in the social, biological and economic dimensions, which are required to promote sustainability in Latin America.

Enhance cooperation, capacity building to understand the impacts caused by climate and global changes in Latin America to raise awareness of current scientific knowledge and promote free exchange among scientists and institutions in the region. 

The MOOC promotes target 13.3: Improve education, awareness-raising and human and institutional capacity on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning.

The course will be launched on November 7th at the UNFCCC COP-22. The course is free, there are no exams or assignments or fixed schedule. The main goal is to share knowledge.

 07/11/2016 -
组 织: Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI)
年份: 2016
地理范围: 拉丁美洲及加勒比
类别: 活动
内容语言: English
