
Regional Overview of Food Insecurity

Asia and the Pacific

Many countries in the region met or exceeded the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) on hunger several years before the deadline. Going forward, to meet the 2030 hunger target of the Sustainable Development Goals, the challenge will be to fully eliminate the prevalence of undernourishment across the region and to achieve substantial reductions in other forms of malnutrition. Progress in defeating hunger has slowed and we must pick up the pace. For many countries of the region, there was a slowdown in the rates of reduction in the prevalence of undernourishment during the past five years compared to the two decades prior; progress will need to accelerate in order to meet the zero-hunger goal by 2030.

发布者: FAO
组 织: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
年份: 2016
国际标准图书编号: 978-92-5-109514-0
地理范围: 亚洲及太平洋
类别: 报告
内容语言: English
