منبر معارف الزراعة الأُسرية

شبكة منبر المعارف

 تساعد شبكة منبر المعارف في ربط الجهات الفاعلة الرئيسية من نفس البلد أو الإقليم، وتشجّعها على استكشاف مجالات ذات اهتمام مشترك قد تشكل أساسا لإقامة شراكات وتعاون في ما بين أعضائها.

هل أنتم مهتمون بالانضمام إلى شبكة منبر المعارف؟

 وبالانضمام إلى هذه الشبكة، ستتاح للأعضاء فرصة تسليط الضوء دوليًا على المنظمة/الجمعية/التعاونية الخاصة بهم من خلال منبر معارف الزراعة الأسرية.  إن الأعضاء المهتمين بأن يصبحوا أعضاء في شبكة منبر المعارف مدعوون إلى تقديم المعلومات المطلوبة أدناه.

التسجيل مفتوح للجميع.

تُقدَّم المعلومات المتعلقة بأعضاء شبكة منبر المعارف من قبل الأعضاء أنفسهم. ومن ثم، فإن المنظمة ليست مسؤولة عن دقتها ولا عن أي استخدام لهذه المعلومات من قبل المستخدمين.

ابحث في قاعدة البيانات

نص حر
المزيد من خيارات البحث
مجال العمل
نوع المنظمة

Universidad de Vigo

Breve descripción de la línea de investigación del grupo: Grupo de investigaciones agro-ambientales y alimentarias (Director: Jesús Simal Gándara): Vertebran el laboratorio tanto la cadena de valor como la sostenibilidad de los procesos de producción y transformación alimentaria de los productos de zonas rurales y costeras, que reflejan la realidad de...

Association for Farmers Rights Defense

Non-governmental organization
Association for Farmers Rights Defence, AFRD established in 1999, is a non-profit, democratic organization dedicated to stimulating agricultural economic growth and policy reform in the Georgia’s transitional economy. By the help of ACDI-VOCA, American National Farm Bureau and local farmers and farmer organizations was founded AFRD. AFRD mission to help Farmers to create market-oriented, economically viable farmer...

Delegazione Europea per l'Agricoltura Familiare in Asia, Africa e America Latina

Non-governmental organization
Deafal’s vision: Regenerate soil to regenerate societies. Social and natural communities evolve through the recognition of human dignity and the harmonic interaction between rural and urban areas. Deafal (European Delegation for Family Farming in Asia, Africa and Latin America) is a non-profit Non-Governmental Organization born in 2000. Deafal operates in the rural...

Armenian Women For health and Healthy Environment

Non-governmental organization
The mission of AWHHE is to explore the issues of environment pollution in Armenia, to advocate the human right to live in a healthy environment, to promote the reduction of health risks from environmental pollution and hazards, including climate change, support the organic farming and the usage of safe alternatives...


A website focused on environmental education, awareness raising about sustainable behavior and impact of human activities on the environment.

Society for International Development

Civil society
SID is an international network of individuals and organizations founded in 1957 to promote participative, pluralistic and sustainable development. Through locally-driven programmes and activities, SID strengthens collective empowerment, facilitates dialogue and knowledge-sharing on people-centered development strategies, and promotes policy change towards inclusiveness, equity and sustainability.

Associazione Culturale Punti di Vista

Civil society
The organization promotes action research and dissemination of information in several fields of sustainable and inclusive development, notably: sustainable and resilient food systems, environment protection, gender equality, climate justice, agroecology and small scale bioregional food system, waste reduction and circular economy

Association des Femmes Centrafricaines Ingénieurs du Développement Rural délégation Europe

Non-governmental organization
AFCIDR-Europe mène ses activités en Centrafrique et en France. En Centrafrique: Nous soutenons et accompagnons les petits producteurs familiaux Nous développement le maraichage par les pratiques de l'agroécologie dans les écoles, Nous appuyons les femmes dans l'agroalimentaire Nous renforçons les capacités des agriculteurs Nous travaillons dan le domaine de l'accès à l'eau Nous aidons dans le montage...

Proud Farm Group of Farmers PC

Farmers' organization
Proud Farm dairy sheep and goat incubator project, is an innovative business model, that allows young people to enter in the sector of organic dairy sheep and goat farming with the lowest investment and the minimum risk, through a High Productivity-High Profitability program that provides the appropriate support for a...

University of Kent

Teaching and research, applied consultancy
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Food Security Center

Food Security Center (FSC) is a newly formed Non-Profit Organization that aims improving nutritional security and environmental sustainability through specific education programs which are addressed not only to children, but to adults as well – both in Europe and Africa. These programs, have been designed to meet the requirements of...

International Institute for Environment and Development

Research center
IIED is an independent research organisation that aims to deliver positive change on a global scale. We deliver original, rigorous research that helps to drive progress, support sustainable development and protect the environment. We identify local solutions that can work at scale and introduce these to global forums.
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Mouvement International de la Jeunesse Agricole Rurale et Catholique

Non-governmental organization
We are a European coordination network for rural and Christian youth organisations all over the continent. Today we represent over 130. 000 young people from rural areas in 13 European countries. The organisations and movements which are part of our network are active either at local or national level and...

slow food compostela

Convivium Slow Food

Organic Farm Knowledge

The Organic Farm Knowledge platform provides access to a wide range of tools and resources about organic farming that can help improve production. It also aims to serve as a virtual meeting place for cross-border learning. The platform promotes the exchange of knowledge among farmers, farm advisers, and scientists, with the...

Movimento Autosviluppo Interscambio e Solidarietà

Non-governmental organization
M.A.I.S.’ objectives: To work in favour of sustainable and participated development of the global South, particularly for small-scale producers, the children and women, promoting the rise of local capacity. To promote exchange of expertise both within the countries where it works and between the North and the South of the world. M.A.I.S.’s projects...



Delphy B.V.

International Organization
Delphy BV is the largest global commercial service provider in the field of cultivation and production related knowledge regarding to open field and protected food & flower production. Based in Wageningen (the Netherlands), Delphy develop and implement knowledge worldwide. More than 230 employees of which 65 foreign employees are 24/7...
Netherlands (Kingdom of the)

Lithuanian Agricultural Advisory Service

Farmers advisory and training organization

Association for Farmers Rights Defense

Farmers' organization
Association for Farmers Rights Defense, AFRD established in 1999, which is a non-profit, democratic organization dedicated to defense Georgian Farmers Rights and provide Advocacy for strengthening Family Farming and Ag Cooperative Movements in Georgia. AFRD was established by the help of ACDI-VOCA, American National Farm Bureau and local farmers...
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