منبر معارف الزراعة الأُسرية

شبكة منبر المعارف

 تساعد شبكة منبر المعارف في ربط الجهات الفاعلة الرئيسية من نفس البلد أو الإقليم، وتشجّعها على استكشاف مجالات ذات اهتمام مشترك قد تشكل أساسا لإقامة شراكات وتعاون في ما بين أعضائها.

هل أنتم مهتمون بالانضمام إلى شبكة منبر المعارف؟

 وبالانضمام إلى هذه الشبكة، ستتاح للأعضاء فرصة تسليط الضوء دوليًا على المنظمة/الجمعية/التعاونية الخاصة بهم من خلال منبر معارف الزراعة الأسرية.  إن الأعضاء المهتمين بأن يصبحوا أعضاء في شبكة منبر المعارف مدعوون إلى تقديم المعلومات المطلوبة أدناه.

التسجيل مفتوح للجميع.

تُقدَّم المعلومات المتعلقة بأعضاء شبكة منبر المعارف من قبل الأعضاء أنفسهم. ومن ثم، فإن المنظمة ليست مسؤولة عن دقتها ولا عن أي استخدام لهذه المعلومات من قبل المستخدمين.

ابحث في قاعدة البيانات

نص حر
المزيد من خيارات البحث
مجال العمل
نوع المنظمة

Dhamma Impressions Private Limited

Farmer Field School
Major objective of Dhamma Impressions is to provide platform for sharing knowledge related to each and every discipline that affects human life. ITinAg (इतिनाग) ITinAg is an Internet of Things (IoT) enabled Information System for Agro-ecological Applications. Presently Dhamma Impressions is working on this project to support farmers with...

Centre for Science and Environment

Non-governmental organization
Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) is a public interest research and advocacy organisation based in New Delhi. CSE researches into, lobbies for and communicates the urgency of development that is both sustainable and equitable. We believe that the scenario today demands using knowledge to bring about change. This is what we...

Guru Kashi University

The University College of Agriculture is one of the constituent colleges of Guru Kashi University, Punjab State, India. The College was established in 2011 to cater to the needs of students of Northern region of India. The college has the mandate of teaching, researching and extension education with emphasis for...

Lokmangal College of Agriculture

The Lokmangal College of Agriculture is an agricultural education research and extension institution in India. It provides support for social and educational development of rural and underprivileged people.


Vertiver is a communications and knowledge consultancy specializing in sustainability. Our solutions are rooted in whole systems-based approaches that engage multiple tiers of stakeholders who include researchers, policy makers and business owners to rural communities and urban citizens. Our multi-disciplinary work has supported policy making, project design and impact assessment...

Society for Socio Economic Studies and Services

Non-governmental organization
SSESS is a national level data collection,processing,analytical research and development oriented organisation expertised in various kinds of surveys followed by analysis and report writing.

Sriponvenkatesh farming

sriponvenkatesh save farmers ,to save farmers and their family

Gram Disha Trust

Non-governmental organization
1. To be a charitable public organisation that promotes agro-ecology, craft and culture primarily in, but not restricted to, the Himalayan region 2. To help build sustainable food systems with a thrust on marketing and involving end-to-end supply chains from farm-to-fork as well as backward linkages (in the form of inputs...

Resource Institute of Social Education

Non-governmental organization
Resource Institute of Social Education is registered under the society registration act. 1860 in the year 1982 and registered under the foreign contribution regulation act. 1976 in the year 1985. RISE function as a non-profit, non-sectarian, non-political and non-Governmental organisation in the field of women and child Development, Education...

Himalayan Environmental studies & Conservation Organization

Civil society
Dr. Anil Joshi and his team members of HESCO have been applying knowledge of the environmental sciences and simple technologies to bring consistent development to the rural villages of the Himalayas. Their innovative and ecologically solutions so far, have yielded outstanding results in their target regions, and have brought them...

Agricultural Extension in South Asia

The idea of a portal on Agricultural Extension in South Asia emerged during the consultations on extension and advisory services organised by the APIRAS (Asia Pacific Islands Rural Advisory Services Network) at Los Banos, Philippines (14-15 September, 2011) and the GFRAS (Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services) at Nairobi, Kenya...

The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers

Non-governmental organization
ICSF is an international non-governmental organization that works towards the establishment of equitable, gender-just, self-reliant and sustainable fisheries, particularly in the small-scale, artisanal sector.
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