Family Farming Knowledge Platform

African Biodiversity Network ABN

Type of Organization: Non-governmental organization
Areas of work: Agroecology, Indigenous peoples, Natural resources, Small family farmers
Region: Africa
Country: Kenya
The African Biodiversity Network (ABN) accompanies Africans in voicing their views on issues such as food and seed sovereignty, genetic engineering, agrofuels, biodiversity protection, extractive industries and the rights of small-holder farmers. It focuses on indigenous knowledge, ecological agriculture and biodiversity related rights, policy and legislation. It pioneers culturally-centered approaches to social and ecological problems in Africa through sharing experiences, co-developing methodologies and creating a united African voice on the continent on these issues. Currently, ABN has 36 partners drawn from 12 African countries: Benin, Botswana, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Mozambique, South Africa, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe.