Family Farming Knowledge Platform

Semillas del Pueblo

Type of Organization: Civil society
Areas of work: Agricultural and rural legislation, Agroecology, Education, Food and nutrition, Indigenous peoples
Region: Latin America and the Caribbean
Country: Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
Our work is focused on produce and promote seed production and agroecology, and also discuss and participate in policy making processes related with sustainable agriculture, farmers seed systems, food security from a food justice perspective. Our main activities are: People´s seed plan: An effort in the rescue of local seeds, promoting their multiplication, conservation and exchange as key to overcoming the current food crisis generated by the loss of diversity and dependence on imported food. We started this effort by working with more than 20 varieties of vegetables, corn, legumes, tubers and other crops that have been conserved in the communities but are not valued in the main national markets. We have carried out more than 10 training workshops on agroecological seed production, preparation of organic fertilizers, and seed exchanges, among other initiatives, and we have also managed to produce and distribute these foods at local fairs. The Venezuela Free of GMOs campaign began its work at the national level through public education via social media, radio, tv, among others; public monitoring of legislative activity related to seeds; technical trainings; and international coordination with social movements and universities. Grassroots mobilization to make the law known and it implement it through actions related to local indigenous and Afro-descendent peasant seeds. ​Seed Law discussion to to make known the law and implement actions related to local indigenous and Afro-descendent peasant seeds