Family Farming Knowledge Platform

Premium Hortus

Type of Organization: Others
Areas of work: Agroecology, Food and nutrition, Food systems, Small family farmers
Region: Africa
Country: Benin
Awarded "Outstanding Practices in Agroecology 2019" at the Global Forum for Food and Agriculture, as one of the best world's "Innovations in Agroecology" by FAO, winner of the ICAF Award 2017 at COP23, Premium Hortus is the African green-tech for scaling agroecology to achieve the SDGs, specializing in the e-commerce of agroecological products, organic production and support to farmers. Labeled "Efficient Solution" by Solar Impulse, Premium Hortus is available as a web/mobile platform, big data, block chains and payment solutions. Premium Hortus allows consumers to subscribe, order, pay online and get home-delivered organic products safely. Users can control their consumption, reduce waste, donate food, and receive a food insurance credit. Waste is limited and recycled for organic composting, bio-gas, and for the cosmetics industry. With organization's organic farms, farmers can benefit from adequate technology, access to organics inputs, technical support, soil and water management, knowledge and sharing of experiences. They can easily monitor the evolution of stocks remotely by phone or computer. Premium Hortus is currently in the expansion phase in other countries in Africa, such as Morocco, Togo, Senegal and Cameroon among others. Premium Hortus develops a clean technology that facilitates good production practices and responsible consumption - Agroecological principles. The organization strengthens access to all, including the most vulnerable, to healthy food and to better nutrition. Mitigation and adaptation to climate change, resilience of farmers and amelioration of living conditions are among organization's principles.