Family Farming Knowledge Platform

Maya Mountain Research Farm MMRF

Type of Organization: Non-governmental organization
Areas of work: Agroecology, Agroforestry, Education, Indigenous peoples, Rural women
Region: Latin America and the Caribbean
Country: Belize
MMRF is a 30 year old working farm that focuses on carbon drawdown through agroforestry, tropical staple trees, biochar and targeting degraded agricultural landscapes. We have 38 beds for students and have voted students fro all over Belize and from many other countries. We manage close to 500 species of plants spread over 30 of the 70 acre property. We raise poultry and rabbits. We have five acres planed to grasses for Barbadian Black belly sheep, but have yet to obtain sheep. energy is an important aspect of what we do. We install photovoltaic systems in schools, clinics, community centres and have installed dozens of small photovoltaic water pumping systems, including two village level water systems. We are running trials on farm scale biogas, presently. Our emphasis is on tree crops, and high value sub canopy species, like cacao, vanilla, turmeric and ginger. We are running trials on cardamom.