Family Farming Knowledge Platform

Society for Sustainable Agriculture & Friendly Environment SAFE

Type of Organization: Non-governmental organization
Areas of work: Agricultural and rural legislation, Food and nutrition, Rural women, Social protection and rural development, Small family farmers
Region: Asia and the Pacific
Country: Pakistan
Vision: Seek positive change in the rural areas of Pakistan Mission: The SAFE mission is to create a friendly environment for basic Education, friendly Environment, Women empowerment, Child Rights & protection, Gender equality, sustainable Agriculture and basic human rights to everyone. Society for Sustainable Agriculture& Friendly Environment (SAFE) is non- government, non-profit, non-political and non-religious organization. The SAFE formed in 2002 and registered as NGO under the Societies Act 1860. (Reg No: 1846 of 2016-2017). Society for Sustainable Agriculture& Friendly Environment Pakistan (SAFE Pakistan) spread knowledge on effects of pesticides on women; children and farmers grow crops in sustainable manner. SAFE previously worked with UN FAO, NAT-IPM, PARC and District Government. SAFE have large numbers of the trained volunteers in Shaheed Benazirabad, Nuoshero Feroze as well as in Matiari districts, several researcher and technical experts voluntarily support the organization for women empowerment, IPM, healthy environment and the sustainable approach for best crop practices and reducing the cost of production and to insure the better livelihood of the farming communities. The organization had support to the SOFT Pakistan and National IPM program Pakistan for conducting the FFS and WOS. Currently our organization run the project named better cotton initiative support by CottonConnect UK and Better Cotton Initiative (BCI). Other funding sources are members and donation which contributing the vital role in funding source of the organization. Objectives: 1. To enhance the food security and livelihood of the rural community through capacity building. 2. To improve the status of rural women, children and marginalized communities through their capacity building and advocacy on their basic rights. 3. To save the environment and make friendly for farmers, women, children and other creatures of the earth. 4. To enhance the knowledge on the environment and climatic challenges in the world. 5. To promote the gender equality and women empowerment through the collaboration with Government, national and international development organizations. 6. To create the opportunities for rural community to increase income generation and improve their livelihood and reduce the poverty ranking. 7. To enhance the knowledge on National Policies of Human right, women right and Child rights. Area of Interest/Work: 1. Agriculture 2. Food Security and livelihood 3. Nutrition 4. Education 5. Environment 6. Women Empowerment 7. Child protection 8. Human rights 9. Conservation & Biodiversity 10. Alternate energy 11. WASH 12. NFI & Shelter Previous Projects: 1. National IPM program in Nawabshah. 2. Community IPM Program in Sakrand 3. Advocacy on conservation 4. Survey/Assessment 5. Pakistan REEL Cotton Farmers Training program Current project: Better Cotton Initiative (BCI): The project main focus on better cotton standard system and criteria they are; 1. Crop protection 2. Soil health 3. Water steward 4. Biodiversity Enhancement 5. Fiber quality 6. Decent work Currently organization is working with 20000 cotton grower farmers in District Shaheed Benazirabad and Noushehro Feroze and next year target will be 50000 better cotton farmers in both districts. Working collaboration of Organization is different ginners, middleman, brokers, CCRI Sakrand, soil and water testing department, agriculture extension department, different local CBOs and NGOs in the both districts.