Family Farming Knowledge Platform

Fountainhead Institute of Management and Technology FIMAT

Type of Organization: Academia
Areas of work: Education
Region: Africa
Country: Uganda
Fountainhead Institute of Management and Technology (FIMAT) is a tertiary institution based in Lira, Northern Uganda. It was established in 2006, and formally licensed by the National Council for Higher Education (NCHE) in 2012, vide License No. TI.PL 0053, and was classified in 2018. Its mission is: “To provide quality tertiary education with a practical orientation that targets problem solving and community empowerment for sustainable development.” FIMAT has four academic Departments: Department of Science, Technology and Vocational Studies; Department of Entrepreneurship, Business and Management Studies; Department of Development and Social Studies; and, Department of Life Skills and Cultural Studies. Under its science department, the course offered are on: Information and Communication Technologies (ICT); Environmental Management; Psychology Studies; Agricultural Production and Management. The students are from all over Uganda. FIMAT focuses on knowledge generation and practical skills that enhances the capacity of the youth and other members of the community for good management practices and the applications of science and technologies for better and sustainable social and economic livelihoods of rural and urban communities. FIMAT core values include: Culture with dignity and modernity; Patriotism and good citizenship; Transparency, Equity, Accountability and Meritocracy (TEAM); Dedication and commitment; Innovativeness and creativity; and Constant search for excellence. During the period 2013 to 2018, FIMAT has graduated a total of 2029 (737 females; 1292 males).