Family Farming Knowledge Platform

Organic for Climate OfC

Type of Organization: International Organization
Areas of work: Agricultural and rural legislation, Education, Food and nutrition, Indigenous peoples, Innovation
Region: REWARI
Country: India
ORGANIC for CLIMATE is a one-stop solution platform for organic farming. Organic for Climate is a youth-led international social organisation for the agriculture sector focusing on organic farming and sustainability. Operating in 15+ countries, we are developing three web-based integrity solutions: creating a single-window knowledge domain that can offer complete advisory and consultancy on the organic crop, providing farm-gate processing units, and for supply chain, providing an e-marketplace to all sustainable/organic products. Organic for Climate aims to become a solution platform for organic farming, which can offer services like certification, connect producers to market, consultancy for queries about organic agriculture, bring credit support to the small and marginal farmers, research organic farming sector, and promote sustainability. We believe that raising awareness and solving problems together can give better results. For awareness purposes, we are focusing on two areas - what is organic farming and how one can find help in practicing organic farming. The objective of this mission is to adopt and implement the practices of organic farming with a systematic approach, develop linkage between the farmers and the market with the intervention of certification agencies, and most of all march towards sustainable living. Organizing the supply chain for organic products is rather challenging. However, small-scale farmers produce 70% of our food. They are disadvantaged in our global food system. That’s why we provide the digital tool - connect for organic. Connect for organic assists small and marginal landholders farmers in managing their procurement costs. It reduces costs and allows better market access. We will provide an online tool for certification and this tool will not only guide the certification workflows but also reduce the procurement costs and frauds. This tool will encourage more farmers to believe in organic farming. It saves time and makes the certification procedure more flexible. The unavailability of proper organic market access discourages organic producers. Organic for Climate offers an e-marketplace for all organic products verified by certification data and ensures more credibility to the consumers by avoiding fraud in organic products. According to a report by the International energy agency, India accounts for 7 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions. Out of which, agriculture and livestock account for 18% of national gross GHG emissions. A study by the International Maize and wheat improvement center reported that India has the potential to reduce 18% of agriculture GHG emissions by adopting efficient use of fertilizers, zero tillage, and adopting sustainable farming methods. To reduce the impact of certain agricultural practices, OfC team members have decided to help small and marginal farmers and learners in organic farming adoption. We are a team of 10+ young people from prestigious institutions like IITs, IISC, TIFR, and some are from well-renowned colleges. Some of them are pursuing Ph.D. in reputed foreign institutions. Some are aspiring for UPSC. We started this initiative because we want to create some value out of our knowledge and contribute to the welfare of society and humanity. Now Organic for Climate has 70+ research volunteers from different countries representing different communities. Each volunteer is carrying out the entire workflow of the regional hub of Organic for Climate in their country. Organic for Climate assists these regional hubs on a daily basis for carrying out research and events in their country for organic farming. The barriers in organic farming adoption are - Absence of a proper market and crops are not credited with worthy prices - leads to discouragement and frauds. Lack of policy support, cheaper credits and advocacy. Heavy Procurement costs - Often small and marginal farmers end up borrowing from middlemen and loan sharks at higher interest rates. Unavailability of food processing near farm-gate - Procurement costs such as extra service and transportation charges lead to less revenue per produce. - Climate change - Food security, poor soil conditions, and crops laden with pesticides. What solutions Organic for Climate offer - A platform to all organic shareholders to share knowledge and awareness. Digital Transformation : For e-marketplace to all sustainable/organic products, create GPS based directory provider for organic buyer and seller. A single-window knowledge domain. Research and development : To create organic crop advisory/consultancy. Asset Creation : Providing farm-gate processing units. The SDGs we are focusing on - SDG 2 - Zero Hunger, SDG 3 - Good health and well-being, SDG 9 - Industry, Innovation, and infrastructure, SDG 12 - Responsible consumption and production, SDG 13 - Climate action, SDG 17 - Partnership for the goals Our efforts to combat climate change will have to focus on mitigation and adaptation efforts across all sectors. For agrarian countries, the task will be to ensure increased production without increasing the environmental footprint of agriculture by enhancing the knowledge and skills of our farmers Our target lies in farmers who are unaware of organic farming and its benefits. Our goal is to make aware and provide all the necessary resources related to organic farming like capital, market, relevant advanced technologies, and many other things. According to the World of Organic Agriculture 2018 report, India is home to 30% of the total organic producers in the world but accounts for just 2.59% (1.5 million hectares) of the total organic cultivation area of 57.8 million hectares. The main reason behind India's poor presence in organic farming is the lack of awareness and disequilibrium between demand and supply-side for organic products. Key objectives of Organic for Climate - Make people aware of organic farming and how it can help in mitigating climate change. By organizing webinars, workshops, meet-ups with people who are engaged in this field. Collaborations with influencers, Self-help groups, and NGOs. Social media platforms are proven faster ways to reach out to people. We will engage with people through social media using posts, stories, and regular updates in this field. Build a platform to link the farmers with the market. We will bring all organic shareholders -scholars, firms, organic consumers, and producers under one domain. Build a platform where farmers can have access to organic seeds, manure, machinery to enhance the yield, and other relevant resources. Connect SHG, organizations, small businesses like to farmers. Provide the necessary legislative information related to certification procedure, government schemes, subsidies, procurement for organic crops. Study government policies and suggest recommendations for funds and better policies related to sustainable farming to the government. Key activities we perform daily to deliver & create value proposition - Developing simple, creative, and accessible content for assisting organic farmers. Weekly presentation on various climate issues and how these issues can be solved by organic farming adoption. Regular posts on the Facebook page for Organic for Climate. This social media of OfC is designed in such a way that diverse farmers can have access to whatever content we are providing there. Research and get in touch with people who are engaged in organic farming for technical expertise. Study the methods which can give better yield and revenue to the farmer. Members create samples of organic farms at their level to understand the subject better. This project is divided into three phases. Phase 1 - We are building an awareness-raising platform for sustainable agriculture. We are focusing on ensuring sustainable food production systems and implementing resilient agricultural practices that increase productivity and production, that help maintain ecosystems and strengthen capacity for adaptation to climate change, extreme weather, drought, flooding, and other disasters, and that progressively improve land and soil quality on the similar agendas of 2030 sustainable development agenda for SDG 2.4. To achieve this target, we organize webinars, workshops, and interviews with experts in the field. Organic for Climate organizes farm visits and farmer’s meet-ups to promote the benefits of organic farming. We cover organic farmers’ stories and collaborate with self-help groups, farmers’ associations, and influencers to reach out to people and spread the message of the necessity of sustainable agriculture to reduce the impact of agriculture pollution on climate change. Phase 2 - Create a single-window knowledge domain that can offer advisory in sustainable agriculture. The void for proper guidance discourages farmers to adopt organic farming. Organic for Climate develops a fully interactive, reliable, and inclusive course that is verified by experts and tried and tested by farmers. We consolidate all the content under one domain so that everyone can have easy access to organic farming information that is free of cost. We aim to fully develop this platform by the end of 2021. This target will ensure that people everywhere have the relevant information and awareness for sustainable development and lifestyles in harmony with nature by 2030. Phase 3 – By developing an accessible platform through asset creation and digital transformation. We provide an e-marketplace for all sustainable/organic products and provide farm-gate processing units. The gap between the demand and supply side is one of the significant challenges behind organic farming adoption. The unavailability of food processing near farm-gate leads to procurement costs such as extra service and transportation charges, leading to less revenue per produce. To ensure the proper functioning and timely access to the food commodity market, Organic for Climate is developing an integrated value-chain network and e-marketplace for sustainable products. This platform will be a GPS based directory provider for organic buyers and sellers. Organic for Climate will ensure the reliability and fair value of the product. Vision and Mission of Organic for Climate - Our mission is to transform the organic sector. We will work to transform this farmer’s detrimental mindset of excessively using fertilizers and pesticides in crops. 70% of all farmers of India account for less than 1 hectares of land. Conventional farming of major crops like wheat and rice is not feasible on small landholdings. Although organic farming is not so restrictive when it comes to landholdings. Our goal is to enhance both the productivity and profitability of the outputs by the farmer while keeping in mind all the externalities. We are building a network of entrepreneurs, farmers, experts, scholars, social workers, and other promotional organizations related to organic farming. Together we aim to fight against climate change and bring positive social and behavioral change. Organic for the climate is closely working for SDG 2, 3, 9, 12, 13, and 17. We have aligned our targets on similar lines of the 2030 sustainable development agenda. The ultimate vision is to make people accustomed to eco-friendly living and build environmental consciousness. Achievements - Vietnam Youth4Climate & UNDP Vietnam featured OfC on their platform. Selected in the Greenpreneur 2021 : OfC is among the top 15 teams out of 200 teams that got selected in the program. Selected in the Climate Launchpad 2021 - OfC has cleared stage 2 and will be taking part in national level activities. OfC has delivered 15+ webinars by organic experts on social media. OfC is working with 500 farmers closely for consultancy and guidance. Launched a “Sustainability response to COVID19” challenge. An Article about my work got published by an international Platform - Louder than the storm. Planning a global food system dialogue with major shareholders. You can check and follow content of Organic for climate on following social media platforms - Facebook page for Organic for Climate Connect for Organic group Link - Linkedin page link - Youtube channel - Instagram - Blog - .