Family Farming Knowledge Platform

Jamaica Network of Rural Women Producers JNRWP

Type of Organization: Non-governmental organization
Areas of work: Rural women
Region: Latin America and the Caribbean
Country: Jamaica
The mission of the Jamaica Network of Rural Women Producers (JNRWP) is to promote cooperation among rural women and create partnerships with institutions and private sector to support the development of agri-businesses and micro-enterprises. Most of our founding members saw the difficulties faced by women in rural Jamaica, hence; they sought strategies to create pathways to unleash their full potential, as well as fight inequality. The Jamaica Network of Rural Women Producers was launched under the distinguished patronage of the then First Lady of Jamaica, the Most Honorable Lady Cooke in May 1999. The JNRWP, which now has a membership over 700 members, all rural women, was the first such organization to be established in the Caribbean and provides a model for similar networks including the Caribbean Network of Rural Women Producers (CANROP) of which it is a member. The network’s development has over the years been guided by the Inter American Institute for Co-operation on Agriculture (IICA) in collaboration with other organizations concerned with the economic and social development of women, namely: Rural Agricultural Development Authority (RADA); Bureau of Gender Affairs (BGA); Centre for Gender and Development Studies, The University of the West Indies (The UWI). The JNRWP and our partner organizations, have over the years, carried out interviews in rural Jamaica and have conducted surveys, which shed light on barriers and pathway, which significantly influenced the goals listed below: • Create sustainable employment opportunities for its members • Promote products made by its members • Promote relevant training to upgrade and develop human resource capacity of rural women producers • Strengthen links among rural women producers inter and intra-regionally • Advocacy to promote and sensitize the wider society of the needs of rural women producers • Promote sustainability of women groups and the Network of Rural Women Producers • Facilitate communication links among national and regional groups and institutions • Facilitate research and product development • Promote self-reliance among rural female producers